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Do you also get annoyed by these little holes in your favorite clothes after washing them a few times? Especially when you are traveling, it is really frustrating, as it's probably not that easy to replace it.

I know it's really irritating when this happens and I am also often tempted, to just throw it away, particularly when it is a rather cheap basic, which I can easily buy again.

But actually it is even easier to just fix it. You only need a needle, scissors, and some different coloured threads. Normally it is enough, to have a black, a grey, and a white one because it blends in quite good with most colours as long as they aren't extremely bold.

After cutting a piece of thread it is the best to start from the inside of the cloth. This way you can leave the end of the knots a bit longer, so it will last longer and you won't be able to see it.

Make a small knot and sew up the hole. Then you knot again the beginning and the end of the knot and cut off the rest of the thread only leaving about 4mm.


So you see it is not a big deal and it only takes you about five minutes, which is actually shorter, than if you went to the shop and bought a new one. I always carry these items ( 1 or 2 needles, scissors or a knife and around 3 colours of thread) with me when I am traveling and they proofed really helpful many times.

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