Did you know, that it is really easy to make your own toothpaste from things you have at home?
Actually you need only three ingredients: Coconut oil, natron and peppermint oil (or any other essential oil you like).
First you mix the coconut oil and the natron in a one-to-one ratio and stir until the consistence gets nice and creamy.
You can either already use the container you want to store it with or a small bowl, as it is easier to work with.
In the end you add about 2 to 6 drops of the peppermint oil depending on the amount of toothpaste and your personal preferences.
If you didn't use it already, fill it into a container of your choice.
I would recommend a small glass jar or a little metal case as it's completely recyclable compared to plastic boxes.
But even if you choose a container made out of plastic it's much better for the environment as you can re-use it, after you have finished up the toothpaste.
It's also handy, because you can put it in a can with the perfect size for traveling.
Your teeth feel as clean as if you use a toothpaste from a store but it doesn't build up that much foam.
I think you have to get used to it a bit, as for me it tastes a bit too salty, but if you vary the proportions of the ingredients you will find your perfect recipe, I guess.
Another pro is, that it is all natural and you know exactly what's in there, I find this very essential.
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