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Aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2020

Recently, I swapped rooms with my brother Robin for three nights to have a little change of scenery . So how did it go?

Maybe you've heard of some people switching their homes for vacation or you have tried it out yourself. It is a very cheap and sustainable way to stay somewhere else.

To have a new little holiday home, seemed quite appealing to me, so I asked my brother if he was willing to try it out.

He agreed and we started the experiment. First of all, I realized that it is quite personal, because you leave all your private belongings to another person.

On the other hand you're free to look at the possessions of your exchange-mate.

With Robin, this wasn't a big deal but I think, if you swap homes with someone you don't know, this can be a bit strange.

Overall, it was a very nice experience. I found it much easier to concentrate on my work or yoga and meditation, than in my room, because his room is less decorated and I didn't have as many things there, that could distract me. And my room is adjoined to the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room, while his room is on the first floor and therefore much quieter.

The biggest disadvantage was, that he doesn't have a desk in his room, so it was a bit inconvenient to work there on my laptop. I found it also interesting to experience my room from outside, as I noticed, what you can hear from there.

I asked my brother what his experience was during our room-swap.

He had also noticed the noise around my room, especially the sounds from above. He really enjoyed the view from my window in the morning and got inspired by my room decoration. But he missed his couch, as he likes to watch tv there, while he eats. In my room you have to sit on the edge of my bed, if you want to do this. He also missed his bed, because he finds it more comfortable.

I didn't notice a big difference there.

We both agreed, that a room swap might be a very smart solution, if you have problems in your flat or your home with other people because of the living situation. It helps to change perspectives.

I found it a very welcome change during these corona times.

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