There are a view little things, that I always carry around. Especially while traveling, it is much harder not to use plastic, but these items can help.
Number one is a linen bag. You can chose any other fabric, but I like this material, as it is really light and soft and easy to curl up tight. You can use it to wrap fruit or vegetables at the store, to pack your groceries or you can sit on it, when you want to sit somewhere, where it is a bit dirty. The second item is a water bottle, either made out of glas or aluminum. You can fill it up with water everywhere, instead of buying oneway plastic bottles.
Probably my favorites are the little spoon and fork. You can save a lot of plastic cutlery by having them with you. They are vey small, but if you are on the road, you normally don't need more. I wouldn't recommend to carry a knife because it can leave some cutting traces in your bag. And if you are a vegetarian like me, the fork and the spoon perfectly replace it anyway.